Friday, December 14, 2007

Asides: Earl Christy Was On A Roll In Early 1932

F. Earl Christy (1883-1961), who has been mentioned on this blog in the past, was one of the most prolific illustrators of the early half of the twentieth century. Christy studied commercial art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. His work was found on or in practically every movie magazine published in the 1920's and 30's and in advertisements, sheet music, postcards and general publications as early as 1906.

He was particularly busy providing covers for Photoplay. I generally like the work he did for Photoplay, but occasionally he seemed to miss the mark in capturing the essence of his subject - probably because he was turning out so much work. I am sure at the height of the depression it was rare that he turned down any assignment.

However, I think the first three Photoplay covers of 1932 are wonderful examples of his best work. The colors are vivid, the expressions of the actresses capture their allure, and the easy, yet stylish approach are a pleasure to view. Click on the images for a larger view.

Photoplay - January 1932

Photoplay - February 1932

Photoplay - March 1932

And if you are wondering "How Garbo's Fear of People Started" - well guess what, some came from what we hear about everyday now, paparazzi, though that term wasn't yet coined in 1932. From the article, "Every time Garbo tried to take a quiet walk in Central Park she was dogged by reporters and cameraman."

For a bit of history, here two Christy postcards from 1906.


Jack R said...

I like Christy's work but the first Photoplay was either swiped from Bolles (who did an earlier cover for Screen Romances that you previously posted) or they both independently used the same or similar photo source. Either way, I found your comment about Christy missing the essence of his subject to be right on the money. Like many illustrators of his era, he had to keep churning out cover after cover, even as successful as he was.

I have to add, after seeing your terrific posts on Lilian Harvey, I now think she may have been the prototypical Bolles girl.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have a very old Christy print, of a late victorian-type girl, driving gloves w/ steering wheel, in front of what looks like a tire, or a flotation device. It is in a tremendously old double gilted frame. Has anyone ever seen this print? Or know the name? It is signed, but I just cannot seem to identify it. Maybe it is advertising? Please jelp. Thanks!!

Marian said...

Hi, I have a painting done by F. Earl Christy on cloth ( a beautiful women), its approx 24 x 24 inches in size, its beautiful, wondering if he did more of these all I can find is postcards. Any help would be great, Marian

Anonymous said...

I want to know why Constance Bennett is so unpopular in Hollywood!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't seem to find out any information on Earl Christy's pictures that he did that are number 1440 - 1452. Eater Lilies, Apple Blossoms, Rochids and American Beauties. would love to know more about these pictures. email me at